Manganoan skarns consist of special Mn (Ca, Mg, Fe, Al) silicate metasomatic minerals and are usually associated with Pb-Zn(Ag) mineralization. They occur chiefly along the lithologic contacts or faults and fractures of carbonate wall rocks distal from the intrusive contact zone, and are combined with Fe, Cu, W, Sn and Cu-bearing calcic or magnesian skarns occurring in the contact zones to constitute certain metasomatic zoning. Manganoan skarns are formed later than calcic or magnesian skarns. Their rock-forming temperatures are lower than those of calcic or magnesian skarns. The mineral assemblages of manganoan skarns occurring in different carbonate rocks (limestone or dolomite) are notably different.
Manganoan skarns consist of special Mn (Ca, Mg, Fe, Al) silicate metasomatic minerals and are usually associated with Pb-Zn(Ag) mineralization. They occur chiefly along the lithologic contacts or faults and fractures of carbonate wall rocks distal from the intrusive contact zone, and are combined with Fe, Cu, W, Sn and Cu-bearing calcic or magnesian skarns occurring in the contact zones to constitute certain metasomatic zoning. Manganoan skarns are formed later than calcic or magnesian skarns. Their rock-forming temperatures are lower than those of calcic or magnesian skarns. The mineral assemblages of manganoan skarns occurring in different carbonate rocks (limestone or dolomite) are notably different.
the National Natural Scicnce Foundation of China grant 40073016.