中国古代旅游文化类型主要有帝王的巡游、文人的入仕宦游、商人的商务旅游、僧道的宗教云游、庶民的节令旅游 ,西方古代旅游文化类型主要有哲人的求真旅游、商人的商务旅游、使徒的传教旅游、骑士的行侠旅游、冒险家的航海旅游等。中西旅游文化类型不同的原因在于区域性文化特征、民族性格和旅游文化审美观等方面存在差别。
The ancient tourism culture of China includes the making-round travel of ancient emperors, ancient literators’ travel on their way to take a post, business trip of ancient merchants, religion travel of ancient monks and feastful travel of ancient plebs etc.. And the ancient tourism culture of the Occident includes the learning travel of ancient philosophers, business trip of ancient merchants, missionary travel of ancient apostles, errantry of ancient knights, navigation trip of ancient adventurers and so on. The different tourism cultures between China and the Occident came from the different territorial cultural characteristics, national characters and aesthetic point of view.
Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economy Institute