本文介绍了一个强潮河口—法国卢瓦尔(La Loire)河口最大浑浊带内含沙量的变化特征。由于河道不断地被疏浚,在主航槽内堆积了浮泥层,它与含沙量的关系十分密切。在一个潮周期内含沙量有两个基本的峰值,分别出现于涨始和落始,它们是由于浮泥的重新悬浮引起的。另外在落末还有由河口潮滩排出物形成的第三个峰值。在各个不同径流量、潮汐强度下取得的含沙量数据表明平均含沙量与这两个重要因素有极其密切的关系。
The characteristics of the tidal and seasonal variation of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the turbidity maximum of the Loire River estuary (France) are described based on a long series of field data. The magnitude of SSC variation is closely related through the resuspension process to the existence of the fluid-mud layer that displaces along the central navigation channel as a result of over-dredging of the river bed. There are two basic peak values of SSC duirng a tidal cycle, occurring respectively at the beginning of ebb and flood current. A third peak may occur at the ending of ebb due to the abundant sediment discharge from the lateral estuarine mudflats through the Martiniere Canal. Data of SSC under different tidal and fluvial conditions show that the long-term variation of SSC has an interesting pattern. The maximal SSC occurs with spring tides and samll river discharges and the minimal SSC with neap tides and large river discharges, which is also closely related to the resuspension and movement of the fluid-mud layer in the estuary.
Journal of Sediment Research