1999年4月—10月,在威海市区捕获成蝇4科16属27种共10532只,以丝光绿蝇、铜绿蝇、巨尾阿丽蝇、大头金蝇等为优势蝇种,分别占46.8%、15.53%、12.04%、8.85%。4月—10月蝇密度分别为 339只/笼·日、486只/笼·日。296只/笼·日、118只/笼·日、166只/笼·日、629只/笼·日、72只/笼·日。平均密度301只/笼·日;蝇密度月变化曲线呈双峰形,春季蝇密度高峰在5月份,全年季节性高峰在9月份。
From April to Octomber, 1999. We have collected adult flies 10532,And they belong to 27 species of 16 genera of 4 families. Among them the superior species were Lucilia Sericata, Lucilia Cuprina, Aldrichina Grahami, Chrgsomyia Megacephala , etc. The rate of each species was 46. 8%,15. 53%, 12. 04%,8. 85%. The month flies density was 339/cage. day,486/cage. day,296/cage. day, 118/cage. day, 166/cage. day,629/cage. day,72/cage, day, From aprial to octomber and the average flies density was 301/cage. day. the month density curve appeared two peaks. In spring,the peak occured in May,and in the whole year the peak occured in September.
Journal of Medical Pest Control