通过建立能够自洽地描述核子和反核子束缚态的相对论Hartree模型来研究有限核中的量子真空 ,其中狄拉克海对介子场方程的贡献由单圈图考虑 ,模型中还引入了ω介子和 ρ介子的张量耦合项 .在拟合球形核的性质后得到模型的参数 ,给出核子有效质量为m /MN≈ 0 .78;计算得到的核子壳模型能级与实验值相一致 ,在考虑张量耦合项的效应后真空反核子位阱深度增大了 2 0— 30MeV .
The quantum vacuum in a many-body system of finite nuclei has been investigated within the relativistic Hartree approach which describes the bound states of nucleons and anti-nucleons consistently. The contributions of the Dirac sea to the source terms of the meson-field equations are taken into account up to the one-nucleon loop and one-meson loop. The tensor couplings for the ω- and ρ-meson are included in the model. After adjusting the parameters of the model to the properties of spherical nuclei, a large effective nucleon mass m*/M_N≈0.78 is obtained. The overall nucleon spectra of shell-model states are in agreement with the data. The computed anti-nucleon spectra in the vacuum differ about 20—30MeV with and without the tensor-coupling effects.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
国家自然科学基金 (10 2 75 0 72 )资助~~