运动是一种群众性集体参与形式 ,也是制度社会的一种补充运行机制。对于扩大公民参与 ,吸引公民关注社会事务 ,推动社会进步具有积极作用。但运动的低组织和低控制性也会冲击和破环社会的固有秩序 ,造成制度的失效和社会生活的混乱 ,因而不能成为制度社会的主导运行机制和运行常态。中国 2 0世纪中叶社会失序是社会运行运动化的结果 ,其发生的原因既有结构性的 。
Movement is a collective phenomenon together with the multifunctional supplementary mechanism for the scial system, which plays a positive role in extending the participation of the people and attracting people's attention to the public affairs and promoting the social progress. However, poorly organized and managed movements will deteriorate social order and cause the system ineffectiveness and chaos in social life. Thus, it can not become the leading functional mechanism and normal behavioral pattern for the social system. The social order in the mid of the 20th century is the result of the socially functioning movement, and it has the structural features as well as a conceptual one.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)