西部地区的优势和劣势是什么 ?只有十分清楚地了解其发展条件 ,才能扬长避短 ,因地制宜 ,更有效地开发西部。文章分析了西部地区的优势 :矿产资源、能源资源、可开发利用土地资源、生物资源、旅游资源等自然资源丰富 ,对外开放条件相对有利 ;而劣势突出 :生态环境脆弱 ,高素质劳动力和建设资金等经济资源匮乏、基础设施薄弱。
Based on a painstaking analysis of the advantages and disadvantages existed in West China,this paper proposes that we should make full use of its rich natural resources,such as minerals、energy、land、biology and tourism,etc.to affract foreign and domestic investment,and progressively overcome such difficulities as the fragility of ecological environment,the deficiency of econmic resources and the lack of infrastructure,etc.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers College