The distribution of Tamm-Horsfall protein(THP)in kidneys was studied with per- oxidase-antiperoxidase reaction in rats suffering from gentamicin nephrotoxicity,mesugi nephritis and normal controls.(1)In rats with gentamicin nephrotxicity,the proximal tubules were destroyed seri- ously with disappearance of normal structure of the epithelial cells and tubules.THP deposits were seen in clumps or pieces of yellow-brown substances stained by PAP.(2)In masugi nephritis,the foot pro- cesses of podocytes were flattened and fused.The interstitium was infiltrated with inflammatory cells. THP deposits found in the interstitium were scanty.THP-stained casts were also seen in the tubules. The damage of the proximal and distal tubules was mild.(3)In control rsts,THP was located in the epithelial cells of the distal uriniferous tubules.It was suggested that THP might be a glycoprotein syn- thesized and secreted by the epithelial cells of ascending limb of loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubules.The apearance of THP in the interstitium in damaged renal tubules might be caused by urinary intratubular backflow and extravasation.In addition,the amount of THP deposits in interstitum seemed to run in parallel with the degree of tubular damage apparently without relation to the reaction of inflammatory cells.The distribution of THP in the interstitium may serve as an index to assess the degree of tubular damage in renal diseases.
gentamicin nephrotoxicity
masugi nephritis