The root cap consists of Several layers of cells which form a series of overlapping conessurrounding the mesistematic region of the root tip.The epidermal cells of the root are also thin—wall,which have no root hairs.The cortex of the young root is comprised of a few layers ofparenchymatous cells.The pericycle consists of a single layer of cells lying immediately within theendodermis in which casparian thickenings are evident.The primary root has a tetrach protostele.Thegroups of primary phloem alternate with the points of proxylem.The epidermis of the stem may be cutinized on their outer surface.The stomata are developed onthe epidermis.Underlying,the epidermal layer there are several layers of chlorenchymatous cells whichare small than the inner layersof the cortex.The vascular bundles are collateral and forma a dissectedsiphonostele.Adjacent bundles are separated by the parenchymatous cells.Later in ontogeny the wallsthicken.The pith consists of parenchymatous cells,which are commonly hollow at maturity owing tothe distintegration of the cells.The vascular of the petiole consists of five collated bundles.Each bundle is separated fromparenchymatous cells.Anthocyanin may occur in the cells of the epidermal layer of the blade.The mesophyll consists ofa single—layered of palisade cells.The spongy parenchyma which is several cells in thickness.Thestomata are more abundant in thr upper than the lower epidermis.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Vegetative organ
Nasturtium officinale