The synchronism of the CK-1M pilotless aircraft with boosters is studied in this paper. To effectuate the synchronism of multi-boosters, the key is to keep the propellent characteristic ajid the surface-to-port area ratio stable,and to ensure the equilibrium pressure consistent. Furthermore ,the tolerance of igniter quantity and the ignition of the parallel circuits are also important factors to realize the synchronism of multi-boosters.The installation of boosters is made by means of lofting plumb line to ensure the mounting precision and symmetry, resulting in accurate force transmition direction, and avoiding the emergence of additional moments. Both the tests on stand and in fight verify that the synchronism of the CK-1M pilotless aircraft with two boosters is good.
piiotless aircraft, launching booster, synchronism, symmetry, equilibrium pressure, surface-to-port area ratio,ignition