本文从产权经济学的角度探讨了近年来我国高校合并行为与高等教育产权问题的关系 ,特别是如何看待发生在同一所有者主体的高校之间 (主要指公立高校之间 )的“高校合并”行为。首先从三个方面论证了高校合并与高等教育产权流动之间的深层矛盾 ,并指出这些矛盾存在的根本原因就在于中国高等教育产权制度改革的滞后 ;最后尝试提出了完善我国高校合并的三点政策建议。
This paper discusses th e universities merger in China from the perspective of property right.Special a t tention is paid to the university merger behavior administrated by the same owne r.First of all,deep contradicions between merger and property right transfer of universities,concluding that the main reason for this fact is that the reformation of higher education property right is lag ging behind the situation in China.Finally some policy suggestions are put froward to improve the universities merger in China.
Modern University Education