人文科学是与自然科学、社会科学鼎立的人类三大科学之一。人文科学以人的自身为研究对象 ,探讨、分析、解决关于人的精神、文化、价值、观念的问题。教授人文科学的真正目的和意义在于使人文知识转化为人文思想和人文品质 ,提高学习者的人文素质。在人文科学的内化中 ,人文科学的教学是基础的、重要的、不可替代的环节。
Humanity science, as well as natural science and social science, is one o f the three primary knowledge-fields of humum being. The humanity focuses on hum an i tself, devoting to discussing, analysis, and solve the problems involving human spirit, culture, value, and ideology. The ultimate goal of teaching huimanity is to convert the chumanistic knowledge into humanistic thoughts and hunanisti c character, to improve the humanis tic quality of students. In the process of conversion, teaching plays a primary, important,and unique role.
Modern University Education