运用T检验、列联表分析和Logistic回归分析等实证研究方法考察求职者工作决策的主要影响因素。结果发现 ,在员工—组织匹配、个人—工作匹配、主观感知到的组织配适度、主观感知到的工作配适度、性别、工作经历和潜在工作机会这些可能对工作决策产生影响的因素中 ,个人—工作匹配和有无工作经历对工作决策的预测效力不显著 ,员工—组织匹配和主观感知到的组织配适度及主观感知到的工作配适度均有积极影响 ,性别和潜在就业机会则有负面影响 ,即女性和自认为潜在工作机会比较小的求职者倾向于作出接受工作的决策。
The main effecting factors of job acceptance decision are explored by means of T-test analysis, cross-table analysis, logistic regression analysis and other empirical research methods. The conclusions of the study reveal that: among those factors assumed affecting job acceptance decision of job seekers, person-job fit and work experience have poor predicting effects on job acceptance decision; person-organization fit, perceived person-organization fit, perceived person-job fit are all have significant positive effects; gender and substantial work opportunities of job seekers have negative effects which means that female job seekers and those estimating have lower substantial work opportunities are inclined to make job accepting decision.
Science Research Management