交通伤害常导致人员的严重死伤 ,其中最多见的是造成不同程度的功能损伤和肢体伤残 ,给伤者的生存质量带来严重影响。国内交通伤害领域的生存质量研究尚有待开展 ,综合来说 ,国内外道路交通伤害中的生存质量研究主要集中在以下几方面 :①对受伤者生存质量状况研究 ;②临床治疗方案的评价与选择 ;③探索伤者康复的影响因素 ;④院前急救效果评价 ;⑤交通伤害的疾病负担研究 ;⑥卫生资源配置与卫生决策评价。本文还探讨了在交通伤害生存质量研究中如何选择适宜的量表。
Traffic trauma always leads to deaths or severe injuries, which brings gravely impact on the wounded's quality of life (QOL). Study of QOL in traffic trauma in our country still needs to be carried out and it mainly focuses on these following facets: ①QOL of the wounded; ②choosing and evaluation of clinical therapies; ③influencing factors of the recovery; ④evaluation of the first aid pre-hospital; ⑤disease burden of traffic trauma; ⑥distribution of health resource and evaluation of health policies. In this paper, the method of choosing appropriate questionnaire is also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention