目的:探讨外科去势术加中药为主的综合疗法治疗前列腺癌(PCa)转变为雄激素非依赖型PCa的 出现时间、机制以及可采取的延缓其出现的措施。方法:对27例晚期PCa患者在行双侧睾丸切除术后行10%鸦 胆子油乳等治疗,并动态检测前列腺特异抗原(PSA)和性激素水平,观察临床表现的变化。结果:PSA由治疗前 89.8μg/L降至治疗后第4周的2.63μg/L,且维持至2.5年以内,睾酮由治疗后第2周降至正常值以下,一直维持 至3年,而卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素持续在正常值水平以上。余性激素雌二醇、黄体酮、催乳素等均在正常范围内 波动。当PSA正常时,临床表现明显好转;而当PSA倍增出现时,临床病情恶化。结论:外科去势术加中药鸦胆 子油乳等治疗中、晚期PCa可在2.5年后开始转变为雄激素非依赖型PCa,且有延缓其发生和出现的意义。
Objective:To study the duration and mechanism of prostate cancer conversion from androgen-dependent to androgen-independent type and measures for delaying the conversion in patients with advanced prostate cancer treated by combination of castration and Chinese herbs.Methods:Dynamic observation of serum PSA and sexual hormone level changes and clinical characteristics in 27 patients with advanced prostate cancer.Results:Mean serum PSA level decreased from 89.8 μg/L to 2.63 μg/L in 4 weeks after the treatment, which lasted for 2.5 years.Testosterone level decreased to the normal level in 2 weeks, whick lasted for 3 years. FSH and LH levels were persistently above the normal levels. Estradoil(E2), prolactin(P) and PRL were normal. Clinical situation was stable with normal serum PSA levels and was exacerbated with serum PSA levels that double rapidly.Conclusions:Combination of castration and Chinese herbs such as Fructus Bruceae oil-emulsion may delay the conversion of prostate cancer from androgen-dependent to androgen-independent type.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Prostate cancer
Surgical castration
Prostate specific antigen