苗医护理是传统苗医学的重要组成部分 ,它与苗族医学的发展息息相关 ,至今没有完全从中分化出来成为专业行业。苗医护理理念是一种包含着对社会、自然、医治、患者、药物、心理治疗、穴道经络、巫术等方面之朴素自然的、带有强烈民族文化特色的科学意识。一方面苗医护理成为本地区、本民族赖以生存的求医方式 ,它与中医、西医一道 ,担当起苗族人民护理保健职责 ;另一方面苗医护理受到地域局限以及文化差异的制约 ,只能在本家庭、本家族、本地区等较小范围内进行 ,未能在城市普及。所以 ,要让苗医护理在现代护理中发挥更大的实践作用 ,就必须弘扬苗医护理“以人为本”理念等高尚医德 ,革除陈规 ,主动将苗医护理与现代护理接轨 ,为苗族专业医疗机构培养苗医护理专业人员 ,使之走出山寨、走向城市、走出国门。
Medical nursing of Miao people is an important part of traditional medical science. The nursing idea of Miao people contains awareness for social and natural environment for diseases, it also makes full consideration of patients' psychological character, the treatment he (or she) received, using magical hints and knowledge of acupuncture point and plexus chorioideus to gain best medical effect. The characteristic above makes nursing common and important in living communities and households of the Miao people. This article points out there is something more we can do, maintaining the tradition of 'Human factor comes first', connecting positively the traditional idea with modern technology, thus the Miao nursing idea may get more attention and usage in practice in modern times.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy