Objective To evaluate the advantage of transabdominal modified Sugiura procedure Methods We retrospectively analyzed 45 cases undergoing transabdominal modified Sugiura procedure from May 1997 to May 2003 The procedure included devascularization of near half gastric and inferior part of esophagus after splenotomy The left and right vagus nerves, the anterior and posterior Latarjet nerves and paraesophageal collateral veins were left intact The gastric submucous vasculature was sutured on the plane 3~5 cm distal to cardia (suture group); or the esophagus 3 cm above cardia was cut and reanastomosed with pipe anastomat Results There was no inhospital mortality Free portal veinous pressure and portal vein flow speed did not change significantly The flow volume of portal vein decreased ( P <0 01) The esophageal varix improved (70%) or disappeared (30%) in the suture group, while it all disappeared in anastomat group Conclusions The procedure of transabdominal modified Sugiura′s was significantly simplified, and the short term result is satisfactory
Chinese Journal of General Surgery