本文通过文献回顾和作者的临床经验就唇腭裂修复手术的术前术后管理以及影响因素进行了详细地论述。文章认为大部分唇腭裂患者可以在手术当天入院 ,术后 2 4~ 4 8小时出院 ,但必须考虑下述因素 :患者年龄、手术复杂性、术者的手术技术和经验、患者围手术期的恢复情况以及患者是否患有其它先天畸形。
Objective: This paper described and discussed the details about the management of inpatient with cleft lip & palate pre and post-operatively according to the paper reviews and the author’s experience.Most of cleft lip and palate patients can be admitted hospital in the same day of doing operation and be charged during 24~48 hours post-operatively.There are several factors needing to be considered for the management of patient,such as the age of patient,the complex of operation,the experience and the skill of surgeon,the recovery situation during the perioperative period and anomalies companying with cleft lip and palate.
Beijing Journal of Stomatology