
冻结施工技术分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Technology of Freezing Shaft Sinking
摘要 兖州矿区冻结施工31个立井,11个立井月成井超过百米,最高月进161.5m和167.5m。主要技术经验是重视井筒检查孔资料分析,确定合理冻结深度,打好冻结孔,编制合适的施工组织设计,精心施工,认真实施,掌握好开挖时间,掘砌和冻结密切配合,推广先进的掘砌工艺,加强井壁内外力观测,以指导施工。 A overburden in Yanzhou Coal Mining Administration is an alluvium with a thickness of 13 to 338 meters and a max. ground water inflow of 14. 57 to 226. 0m^3/h. There are six mines been built with a total designed coal production capacity of 12. 25 million t/year in Yanzhou mining area. There are another two mines in construction with an individual capacity of 4 and 5 million t/y. All the mine shafts in the Yanzhou mining area are and will be constructed with freezing shaft sinking. There will be 31 mine shafts in the area and 28 mine shafts been built with a max. month shaft completion of 161. 5 to 167. 5m. The main experiences from the freezing mine shaft constructions are as followings, 1. special attention to collect and analyze the geological informations from the mine shaft inspection holes in order to understand the engineering geology and hydrogeology, 2. determination of a suitable freezing depth in order to adopt a freezing method for overburden and a grouting method for base rocks, 3. well conduction of freezing hole drilling and instalation of freezing tubes, 4. well completion of design and orgnization of freezing shaft sinking base on the local conditions, 5. serious construction management, quality control, careful construction and keeping a normal operation of a freezing station, 6. controlling a suitable time for excavation, 7. closed operation between freezing and shaft lining; to minimize the diameter of freezing circular at the condition of suitable freezing strength, 8. outling constructed with one piece metal form plate and inner lining constructed with hydraulic lifting form plate, 9. monitoring the stress on and in the lining inder to make references for future operation base on the monitored information, 10. sumary the freezing construction technology, improved the construction experiences,learning some lessons to develop the freezing technology.
作者 孙翔
机构地区 兖州矿务局
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 1993年第8期12-15,共4页 Coal Science and Technology
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