The Piyang-Donggar site ties at Donggar township of Zanda county in Ngari prefecture, Tibetan Autonomous Region, and consists of the Piyang sites at Piyang village and the Donggarsites at Donggar village. The whole site comprises Buddhist grottoes, temp[es and pagodas, and tombs.The tombs in Area V of the Donggar sites and the Sasongtang and GeIintang cemeteries on the Piyangsite, al] discovered through the surveys here reported, form a group in the shape of the character “品”. inan area of about 200 sq m, excavation revea[ed 26 tombs, one horse hurial pit and an array of standingatones. Among the unearthed objects are pottery, bronzes, irons, stone artifacts and bamboo ware. Theygo back to the time corresponding to the Qin-Han period in the Central Plains.
The Piyang-Donggar site lies at Donggar township of Zanda county in Ngari prefec- ture, Tibetan Autonomous Region, and consists of the Piyang sites at Piyang village and the Donggar sites at Donggar village. The whole site comprises Buddhist grottoes, temples and pagodas, and tombs. The tombs in Area V of the Donggar sites and the Sasongtang and Gelintang cemeteries on the Piyang site, all discovered through the surveys here reported, form a group in the shape of the character '品'. In an area of about 200 sq m, excavation revealed 26 tombs, one horse burial pit and an array of standing stones. Among the unearthed objects are pottery, bronzes, irons, stone artifacts and bamboo ware. They go back to the time corresponding to the Qin-Han period in the Central Plains.