秦汉之际 ,是中华文明发展形成的一个关键时期 ,先秦群雄争霸 ,与之相应 ,在文化精神领域则是百家争鸣。随着秦的统一 ,政治上结束了诸侯割据的局面 ,文化精神的统一也就势在必行 ,作为文化领域的一个重要分支的文学 ,在主题上也必然随着这一变化而变化。在这一变化中 ,汉初有两个人物起了重要作用 ,他们就是陆贾和贾谊 ,通过对历史与现实的分析 ,他们论述了儒、道思想的切实可行性 ,为董仲舒“废黜百家 ,独尊儒术”的观点开了先河 ,也为中华文化精神特质的形成 ,作了缜密的选择取舍 ,在此后长达两千多年的中国文学流变过程中 。
Chinese civilization significantly is originated at the turning of Qin and Han Dynasties. In Pre-Qin period, a hundred schools of thoughts contended in cultural and spiritual fields while constant wars broke out among the states. The Qin's unification of China ushered in a new period of unification in terms of cultural and spiritual fields and, a new period of transformation in terms of literary themes. Lu Jia and Jia Yi, two literates and political essayists in early Han Dynasty, analyzed the historical happenings, suggested the feasibility of realization of Confucianism and Taoism, and, consequently, set a foundation for Dong Zhongshu's theory of 'proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology'. Their studies exerted an influence on the formation of Chinese Cultural Spirits and made spirit of Confucianism and Taoism the current literary theme frequently found in the literary creation of the following literati.
Journal of Yibin University
Literary Theme
Cultural Spirit
Lu Jia
Jia Yi