磁盘和光盘存储是当今最主要的数据存储方式。这种二维存储已经逐渐达到其存储极限 ,已经不能满足当今信息存储的要求。光折变三维全息存储是最有前途的存储新技术 ,可以对数据进行并行处理 ,具有超大容量 (1 0 1 3 bit/cm3 )、数据传输率高 (1 0 9bit/s)等优点。搀杂铌酸锂晶体是目前最理想的三维光折变存储材料。
Magnetic and optical storage are currently the most popular methods of data storage,but the demand of today's information systems are pushing current two dimensional storage towards their natural limits.The photorefractive three dimensional storage is the most promising technology,with which the parallel access can be achieved with enormous capacity (10 13 bit/cm 3) as well as high throughput (10 9bit/s).Up to date,the doped lithium niobate crystal is the most ideal three dimensional storage material based on photorefractive effect.
Information Recording Materials