600 cases of selective coronary arteriographic signs have been studied since 1982. There are 456 males and 144 females, age ranged 7 to 82 years, the mean age is 52, 2 years. The type of right dominat, left dominat and balanced coronary artery are 332(73.7%), 77(17%), 44(9.7%) respectively. 369 patients suffered from stenotic arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease. The number of involved branches of coronary artery are 50(5.2%) of left main trunk (LM), 369(38%) of left anterio descending(LAD), 80(8.9%) of diagonal branches (D_1), 254(26.4%), 210(21.8%) of right coronary artery(RCA). The degree of coronary stenosis is closely related with age and involved branches of coronary artery, The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) which is showed by left ventriculography is also related with the degree of coronary stenosis and whether to combine with ventricular aneurysm. The LVEF decreased sharply as the patient suffered from severe coronary stenosis and ventricular aneurysm.