Both Ruan Ji , poet in the cross-over point of the Wei and Jin dynast ies , and Li Shangyin , poet in the late Tang dynasty , have made the greatest a chievements in the ancient Chinese symbolist and polysemous poetry . R uan Ji loc ated philosophical and metaphysical reasons in suggestive and implicative subtle images , and utilized fictitious and symbolist situations to subtilize his poetical implications . Whereas , Li Shangyin , relying on sentiments, melted mental images with objects' images to bring forth poetic metaphors in order to reveal one's rich and complicated feelings and spiritual spectacles . Judging from the stylis tic characteristics of these two poets' works and their evolvement from the pre cedent ones to the later ones , we can draw out a profound comprehension on the development and artistic experiences of metaphoric and symbolist tradition in the classic Chinese poetry .