人类在产生之初主要是依靠天然洞穴作为防风御寒的栖息之所 ,秦以降乡村住所形制主要是土木结构的建筑物 ,民国时期砖木混合结构的建筑开始出现。新中国成立后 30年乡村居住形式变化不大 ,其形式大致为草房、瓦房、石板房、平顶房等。改革开放 2 0多年来乡村居住形式发生了巨变 :房屋由草木结构向砖瓦结构再向钢筋水泥结构发展 ;居民点由集中向分散发展 ,单家独院日益增多 ;农民在市郊购房、城镇建房的数量日渐增多 ;一些富村或乡镇企业对一些弱村穷村进行兼并 ;室内家具由传统式向新式、现代组合式发展 ;一场不甚起眼但又与居住形式密切相关的“厕所革命”在广大乡村悄然兴起。当前乡村族居方式变迁中存在的主要问题是 :乡村住房、市郊农村私房买卖、村庄兼并、农村房屋建筑。
In the first 30 years after the founding of the PRC,rural housing did not change much,remaining dominated by single-storey dwellings made of straw,brick ant stone,But in the over two decades of reform and opening up rural housing has experienced massive changes.Building materials have evolved from straw and wood to brick,and then to reinforced concrete.Housing patterns have become less concentrated,and increasing numbers of farmers are buying urban housing.Old-style furniture has been replaced by new,modern styles,and a `revolution in lavatories'has also spread quietly but widely.The main problems in rural housing now concern the private purchase of rural and semi-urban housing,the merging of villages,architectural structure of housing,and the environment of rural dwelling clusters,all of which need further regularization.
Contemporary China History Studies
国家社会科学基金项目<改革开放以来中国村落文化变迁研究> ( 99BZS0 2 7)研究内容之一