随着旅游形式的改变 ,生态旅游地逐渐成为旅游活动主体的聚集点。吉林省向海国家级自然保护区是我国东北地区重要生态旅游地 ,自然地理环境独特 ,旅游资源丰富多样 ,旅游业已初具规模。由于其可持续发展对当地经济发展和生态环境保护具有双重战略意义 ,因此本文在简要分析旅游业发展潜力及开发中存在的问题的基础上 ,重点探讨了如何在区域系统理论的指导下 ,以协调人地关系为主旨的区域可持续发展的对策 ,提出了解决湿地水源、加强区域文化建设与生态敏感区管理、拓展旅游客源市场、科技兴旅、积极发展旅游服务业等建设性方案。
With the development of tourism, eco-tourism destinations, characteristic of inherent natural scenes and their beautiful eco-environment, are becoming one of the tourism focuses in the overall tourism attractions. With particular geographic characters which bring forth rich and colorful tourism resources, the sustainable development of Xianghai natural reserve at the state level, also a popular tourism site in northeast China, is significant both in regional economy and in the protection of ecological environment. Firstly, the author describes its general situation, which includes its geographic characteristics, the regional status of tourism industry and the analysis of necessity of sustainable development of Xianghai tourism, and then concludes that as to help the destitute area to develop economy and improve the environment protection, the tourism sustainable development is important. Secondly, the author analyses the potential abilities and the problems of sustainable development. Xianghai Natural Reserve can apply both the natural and cultural tourist products, but because the tourism plan falls behind the tourism development, the resources are wasted with few profits generated. What's more, the environment for tourists is destroyed to some degree. Lastly, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and proposals. A well-nurtured swamp environment takes effect on the sustainable development of tourism and ecological environment. The first way out emphasizes on its protection. While the second one emphasizes on how to promote the development of tourism and how to improve the people's living standard by developing the relevant industries of tourism industry, including how to tap the market, how to develop tourism by science and technology and how to develop the tourism service industry.
Human Geography
eco-tourism destination
sustainable development
Xianghai Nature Reserve