本文通过查阅大量的文献资料 ,对有关我国实施科技兴体战略以来的相关文献做一综述 ,认为目前有关这方面的研究主要集中在四个方面 :对科技兴体战略和我国体育科技体制改革的研究 :对实施科训结合的设想与研究 ;对体育科技成果的推广、应用及建立完善的评价体系的研究 ;对中、外体育科研的发展状况及科研体制的比较研究。研究发现众多的文献大都是基于理论的阐释、论证以及经验总结性的研究 ,具体的深入研究比较少 ,尤其对科技兴体的重点 ,影响科训结合的方面及科技成果的评价与应用尚待进一步细致的研究。
With consulting a great many of documents,this paper concluded the related documents about the study of the strategy to promote sports by science and technology.Most of these documents concentrated on four aspects:the study of the strategy to prompt sports by science and technology and the study of the reform of the science and technology system in our country;the study of implementing the connection between science and technology of sports and sports training;the study of the popularization and utilization of sports science and technology achievements,and how to set up ideal evaluation system;comparative study of the system of sports science research between China and other countries,the development of sports science research between China and other countries.Among these documents,we found that most documents are based on the study of the illustration of the theory,the explain nation of the experience,but there is little concrete further study,especially the emphasis of the strategy to prompt sports by science and technology.So the factors which influence the connection between science and technology of sports and sports training and the popularization and utilization of sports science and technology achievements need to further study.
Zhejiang Sport Science
prompt sports by science and technology
science and technology achievements