依据国家和上海市制定的安全卫生优质蔬菜生产及产品质量的有关标准规定 ,根据日本国对进口结球生菜 (LactucasativaL .var .crispaL .)产品的质量要求 ,对上海市出口结球生菜的产地及病虫害防治技术等作了具体的规定与要求 ,制订了出口结球生菜产品卫生质量标准。在充分调查与深入研究的基础上 ,研究制定了符合本市出口生产实际的生产季节安排与相应的适栽品种 ;总结规范了育苗技术与大田生产栽培技术要求 ;制定了出口产品的采收与加工质量标准 ;规范了出口结球生菜在加工、包装、贮运、保鲜、检测等方面的操作技术要求 ;列出了选用与禁用的有关农药。
According to the national and Shanghai local rules of producing safe, healthy and high-quality vegetables and the related product quality standards as well as the Japanese quality standards of importing head l ettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa L.) product, the specific regulati on and requirement for Shanghai area of producing export head lettuce and techni ques of controlling plant diseases and pests have been worked out, and the quali ty standard of healthy export products of head lettuce has also been formulated. Based on full investigation, the arrangement of producing season and correspond ing appropriate varieties has been made. The techniques of growing seedlings and field cultivation have been summarized and standardized. The quality standards for harvesting and processing export products have been made. The technological requirements in processing, acking, storing and transporting have been standardi zed. The optional and forbidden pesticides in production have been formulated.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
上海市农业四新技术推广项目 (编号 :农科推字 2 0 0 1-第 3 -2 )。