介绍了一种微型、低功耗双向短距离射频通讯系统 ,此系统可用于植入式或口服式生物遥测装置。此系统由位于体内的微型射频收发器和体外的数据存储器组成 ,系统所用的通讯频率位于ISM波段 ,微型收发器与数据存储器之间使用半双工方式通讯 ,使用FSK调制方式实现了双向数字通讯。此系统体积小、功耗低、接口简单 ,可直接与单片机连接 ,便于组成各种短距离生物遥测系统。我们利用此系统组成一种口服式人体消化道生理参数检测装置 。
This paper present a miniature low power consumption RF communication system,which can be used in implantable or swallowable biotelemetry devices.This system consists of a miniature RF transceiver inside the body and a data recorder outside the body.ISM band radio frequency(approx.433MHz) is used to achieve half duplex communication between the transceiver and the data recorder.Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) modulation scheme is adopted to ensure reliable and high-speed digital RF link.Animal tests have been carried out to prove the performance of the communication system.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
国家 8 63计算资助 ( 2 0 0 2AA 3 A3 2 )