建国前 ,由于帝国主义侵略和封建主义的黑暗统治 ,河北省种植鸦片和吸食毒品的问题十分严重 ,影响了社会经济的发展。中华人民共和国成立后 ,河北省开展了大规模的禁烟禁毒斗争 ,仅仅用了三年左右的时间 ,就基本消除了省内延续上百年的种植、贩运和吸食毒品的现象 ,解决了旧中国历届政府无法解决的烟毒泛滥问题 ,树立了“无毒省”的形象。河北省禁烟禁毒获得成功的主要原因在于 :领导重视、组织保证 ;制定了一系列法律法规 ;深入开展宣传教育 ,广泛发动群众投入禁烟斗争 ;禁烟禁毒工作与清除其他社会病害配合进行 ;各部门协同行动 。
Before the founding of New China, as a result of imperialist aggression and feudal dark rule, there was a very serious problem of growing poppies and taking addictive drugs in Hebei Province. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, a large-scale movement was launched to ban poppy-growing and drug-taking in Hebei. Only three years passed before the scourge of drugs was eliminated, a scourge that had lasted more than 100 years and the various administrations in old China were incapable of dealt with successfully. Hebei thus became a province free of drugs. The factors that contributed to the success of drugs ban effort were as follows: The leadership attached great importance and adopted a series of laws and regulations; Wide publicity was given to the campaign and the masses were mobilized to throw themselves into the struggle; The ban on drugs was combined with measures to sweep away other social corrupt practices; There was close coordination among various departments.
Contemporary China History Studies
early years of New China, Hebei Province, ban on drugs