本文认为 ,大城市回族社区承担着如下一些社会文化功能 :为回族群众提供清真食品和伊斯兰文化空间 ,为城市现代化、国际化提供城市文化资本 ,促进回族文化的发展和进步 ,为全国穆斯林提供城市化、现代化的支撑和基地 ,成为连接世界人民和中国穆斯林的“桥梁” ,等等。但是 ,大城市回族社区却普遍存在着回民人口减少、伊斯兰文化后继乏人、面临拆迁改造等一系列问题 。
This paper points out that the urban Hui communities ought to have the following functions: providing the Muslim foods and cultural room for the Hui people, supplying the cultural capital for the modernization and internationalization of the cities, improving the development of the Hui culture, helping establishing a basis on which the Chinese Muslims' urbanization and modernization can be promoted, linking Chinese Muslims with the people from other countries, and so on. However, most urban Hui communities have to face a series of questions such like the decrease of the hui population, no successor to the Islamic couture and building demotion, which make the communities dysfunction for their own functions.
Ethno-National Studies
江苏省教育厅 2 0 0 3年度高校哲学社会科学研究指导项目<传统社区与城市现代化--以南京七家湾传统回族社区为个案>的阶段性成果