虚拟经济产生于实体经济 ,反过来又作用于实体经济 ,形成了互相区别互相影响制约的关系。它们之间最根本的区别在于定价体系和运行特征的不同。虚拟经济对现实经济产生深远的影响 ,它淡化了财富的物质内容而突出了其社会性 ;使现实经济日益复杂 ,加大了政府调控经济的难度 ;使发达国家经济进入一个新阶段。
Virtual economy comes from actual economy and in turn affects the later,thus forming an inter-dependenct relationship.Their basic difference lies in their different pricing system and performance.Virtual economy,desalinating the materialism of wealth and stressing its socialism,complicates actual economy and therefore makes it more difficult for government control of economy and brings developed countries onto a new stage.