我国“入世”在即。加入世贸组织将对中国经济发展产生重大而深远的影响 ,我们必须认真对待 ,以便抓住机遇 ,化解挑战 ,促进发展。“入世”对中国的宏观经济会产生全方位的影响 ,因而我们在国内政策方面应对此作出相应的调整。“入世”也将使我国的企业面临更多更直接的压力 ,因此必须加快改革步伐 ,转换经营机制 ,提高经济效益 ,同时应按照国际惯例和规则保护我国的民族工业。只有积极参与国际经济合作和竞争 ,有效利用国际经贸规则 ,趋利避害 ,才能充分发挥我国的优势 ,保持经济的稳定和发展。相应地 ,我们应积极推进经济体制和经济增长方式的两个根本性转变 ,努力提高国民经济的整体素质。
China is now faced with the forthcoming admission into the WTO, which will bring significant and far reaching influence on China's economic development. Therefore, we must take the matter in earnest so as to seize opportunities, to resolve challenges and to boost development. In regard to its comprehensive impact on China's macro economy, adjustment has to be made on national policies. On the other hand, the entry will confront China's enterprises with more and more direct pressures; hence China must hasten its pace of reform, change its management mechanism, increase economic benefits and at the same time, protect its national industry by following international practice and rules. China would fully display its superiority and maintain economic stability and growth only through its cooperation and competition with international economy, and through its effective utilization of international trading rules. Meanwhile, we should actively propel the ultimate conversion of the economic system and economic increase mode, and endeavor to improve the quality of the national economy as a whole.
Journal of Beijing administration institute