由于延迟性肌肉酸痛 (DOMS)的病因、病理机制到目前为止还未完全清晰 ,也没有真正有效清除或减轻DOMS的方法。文章对近年来关于DOMS的病因、病理以及它的防治进展进行一个小结 ,指出DOMS是一个多因素、多环节共同作用的结果 ,针对各单个因素的治疗方法均未获得满意疗效 ,而通过整体治疗的中国传统医学或许是解决DOMS的有效途径之一。
By now on that the etioloty,pathology of delayed onset muscle soreness(DOMS)has not been fully understood,and there isn't any efficient therapautics either.Then the related approaches on etiology,pathology and treatment of the DOMS are presented in this paper.The DOMS is the result of multiple factors' cooperation,treatment which works on signer factor hasn't any effect on the DOMS.Traditional Chinese medicine may be a better pathway to solve this problem.
Sichuan Sports Science