为揭示广东博罗梅花墩、银岗、横岭山三地古陶器的产源、烧造工艺、技术传播和文化交流等方面情况 ,用波长色散X射线荧光分析 (WDXRF)、仪器中子活化分析 (INAA)同时测量了广东博罗梅花墩、银岗、横岭山等三地点所出 38片西周至春秋、战国硬陶中Al、Ba等元素的含量。并用主成分分析分别处理了测量数据。两套数据的分析结果均表明 ,梅花墩、银岗和横岭山的硬陶原料互不相同 ,各地点硬陶可能主要是“自烧自用”。数据分析还表明在南方各省区中 ,广东硬陶具有Al2 O3 含量偏高这一明显的地区特征。
In order to reveal the provenance, sintering process of ancient pottery from Meihuadun, Yingang, and Henglingshan sites of Boluo county, Guangdong province and additionally the details of technology spread and cultural exchange derived from porcelain production among the three places, thirtyeight hard pottery sherds collected from these sites were studied with WDXRF and INAA. These sherds are of Western Zhou to SpringAutumn, Warring States Periods. Concentrations of 16 or 27 elements were WDXRF or INAA measured and then principal component analysis was applied to the XRF and INAA data sets in the purpose to classify these sherds. The study indicates that ancient pottery of these sites might use raw materials of different origins for hard pottery production, as hard pottery sherds of these 3 sites show different chemical composition patterns. Additional study demonstrates that hard pottery samples of Guangdong are regionally characteristic of higher Al 2O 3 content than those of Zhejiang,Jiangxi,and Fujian provinces.
Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology