The Aonaodaba ore deposit occurring in the Mesozoic faulted upwarping area 4 km from the Late Jurassic volcanic basin is a tin-silver-copper porphyry deposit discovered for the first time in North China. The ore porpyhry is mainly granite porphyry (1.48 Ma, I_(Sr)=0.708). The potassic-silicate alteration core, phyllic zone, topaz greisen zone, propylite zone and hornfels zone constitute an approximately symmetrical progressive and central type alteration zoning in this deposit. Economic tin, tin-silver and copper orebodies are seen respectively in the upper part, the top and the margin (near the contact zone) of the porphyry body. Studies show that the Aonaodaba deposit is a subvolcanic-porphyry tin-polymetallic deposit formed in a high-level continental environment. Genetically, it is different not only from porphyry copper deposits but from the Yinyan porphyry tin deposit of Guangdong Province as well.
Mineral Deposits