位于甘南藏族自治州境内的洮河林区,总面积479534 6hm2,森林覆盖率44 72%。区内动植物资源丰富,也是甘南重要的水源涵养林,目前保护形势严峻。论证了建立自然保护区的必要性,持续发挥"洮河天然水库"功能,涵养水源;保护恢复生态环境和野生动植物资源;促进区域社会经济可持续发展。
Yaohe region, with the total area of 479 534.6 hm^2 and 44.72% of forest coverage, rich in plants and animals, plays significant roles in conserving headwater in the south of Gansu. But since nowadays it is facing the severe problems, the necessities for establishing Nature Reserve is demonstrated in details: sustaining the function of Yaohe Natural Reservoir, conserving headwater, protecting and regenerating eco-environment and flora & fauna; promoting regional social economic sustainable development.
Forest Inventory and Planning