针对大致兴起于同一时代背景下的后现代主义思潮和复杂性理论研究 ,本文从现代性批判与反思的角度 ,在现代性反思这一理论平台上 ,对后现代主义和复杂性理论的关系进行探讨 ,认为后现代主义与复杂性理论存在着共同的问题意识———即对现代性的批判、反思和超越 ;但它们在面对问题的姿态、解决问题的策略、最后的答案、未来的走向上又殊为不同。探讨后现代主义与复杂性理论之间的关联性 ,对中国社会的现代化建设具有重要的启示意义。
Based on the study of postmodernism and complexity theory rising almost at the same time and in the same background, from the criticism and rethinking of modernity, starting on the theory platform of modernity rethinking, this paper has discussed the relation between post modernism and complexity theory. It has believed that post modernism and complexity theory have the same awareness of problems, namely the criticism, rethinking and surpass of modernity; but they are different in attitude facing the problems, the ways to solving them, the final solutions, and future tendency. The study of the liaison between post modernism and complexity theory is of great significance in the construction of modernization in Chinese society.
Jianghai Academic Journal