根据马尾松林的群落结构,将马尾松林划分成以下 8 个主要类型:马尾松—木荷混交林、马尾松—枫香混交林、马尾松—木荷复层林、马尾松—白栎复层林、马尾松—连蕊茶复层林、马尾松—檵木复层林、马尾松—芒萁复层林、马尾松—白茅复层林。鉴于生态与经济协调发展,马尾松林的阔叶化改造目标拟定位在以阔叶树种为主要种群结构的近自然的阔松混交林。阔叶化改造的方法应围绕目标林分实行分类指导,分别采用封育、留养抚育、适度透光间伐、适当清理林下灌木、补植木荷等目的树种等改造方法,以供参考应用。
According to community structure, Pinus massoniana forest could be divided into 8 types. For ecological development, transformation of P. massoniana forest targeted to be dominated by broad-leaf tree species. Countermea- sures were proposed such as closing, tending, intermediate cutting, cleaning shrubs, filling up of target species like Schima superba.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology