通过室内筛选复壮 ,选育出对克拉玛依稠油具有显著降粘作用的微生物菌种 ,室内降粘试验结果表明 ,菌种对稠油的降粘率可达 70 % ,同时菌种改善了稠油的流体性质 ;原油族组分分析结果表明 ,菌种能够降解稠油中的非烃和长链饱和烃。利用选育出的菌种首次在克拉玛依稠油油藏开展了 6口井的微生物吞吐开采稠油矿场试验 ,累计增油 86 5t,其中有效井 5口 ,措施有效率 83% ,投入产出比达 1∶3以上 ,取得明显的经济效益和社会效益。
In indoors, Microbial species were rejuvenated using heavy oil of karamay oilfield. Viscosity reducing tests show that viscosity-reducing efficiency of heavy oil was up to 70%, and fluid characteristics were improved. The analyzing result of crude oil components indicated that bacteria degrading long chain alkane hydrocarbon of heavy oil. The first pilot test of microbial recovering heavy technology was carried out in six heavy oil wells of karamay oil field. Cumulative incremental output is 865t. Ratio of input and output exceeds 1:3. Very obvious economic benefit and social benefit have been obtained. This technique provides a new way for recovering heavy oil of xinjiang oil fields.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences