目的 探讨各种不同类型的不对称乳房的手术治疗方法。方法 对 4 8例不同类型的不对称乳房者 ,分别采用不同的乳房成形术进行矫治 ,其中包括两侧不同容积的乳房假体隆乳术 (19例 ) ,单侧隆乳术 (11例 ) ,切除两侧不同体积的乳房组织乳房缩小成形术 (9例 ) ,单侧乳房部分切除术 (2例 ) ,单侧乳房脂肪抽吸术 (1例 ) ,一侧巨乳房缩小成形术 ,一侧乳房悬吊术 (3例 ) ,一侧乳房悬吊 ,一侧隆乳术 (2例 ) ,单侧乳房悬吊 (1例 )。结果 1例因乳房新皱襞下皮肤、皮下组织过多 ,进行了再次整复术。 1例乳房悬吊术后半年 ,继发轻度下垂。 1例因原乳腺组织切除过多且伴有乳房局部较大瘢痕 ,乳房前外侧稍有凹陷 ,形态不够满意。其余各例都取得了满意或基本满意的效果。结论 对不对称乳房应针对不同的类型采用不同的术式治疗 ,不对称乳房的检查和测量应力求准确 ,以便达到尽可能的对称。
Objective To provide clinical experience and suggestio n of mammaplasty after discussing the different surgical way for repairing the d ifferent types of breast asymmetry. Methods Different mam maplasty was used to repair 48 cases of breast asymmetry, including 19 cases o f breast augmentation with different volume on each side, 11 cases of unilateral breast augmentation, 9 cases of breast reduction after different volume resecti on on each side, 2 cases of unilateral partial breast resection, 1 case of lipos uction on unilateral side, 3 cases of breast reduction on one side and breast su spend on another side, 2 cases of breast suspension on one side and augmentation on the other side, and 1 case of only suspension on unilateral breast. Results One case needed to be repaired at second stage because of to o much skin and tissue on the breast inferior fold. 1 case had slight ptosis in half year after breast suspension. 1 case had unfavorable result with concave on the anterior lateral side because of more galactophore tissues resection and se vere scars. Apart from mentioned above, the rest of all had favorable and satisf actory results. Conclusion For breast asymmetry anaplasty , different mammaplasty should be used for different types. Measuring and exami ning the breast asymmetry should be correct for a guarantee of symmetry result.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology