考察屈原对《九章》有无整体的构想及其排列次序 ,两千年的研究史给我们提供了宝贵的启示 :原有的单篇对应的单一研究思路已经进入死胡同 ,必须回到文本自身、回到内证、回到整体性思考上来。文中就《九章》语言形式所提供的信息、诗题排列组合所呈现的规律、篇中与结尾所展现的心路历程三方面加以考察 ,发现了诗题中客观存在的排列密码 ,从而得出新的结论 :《九章》决非如朱熹所说是后人所辑 ,其时间跨度虽逾三十年 ,屈原对此却有着整体构想 ,对各篇结构形式作过统一调适 ,对诗中文句亲手进行过整理 ,就连排序也是屈原亲手所定———它不同于后人的任何一种排列。
The text investigates into Qu Yuan’s integral speculation and sorting of Nine Chapters. The history of studies on Qu Yuan for about two thousand years has rendered us a precious revelation: it is not helpful enough to study single article (so-called “Chapter”) of Nine Chapters as we did before. It is necessary to go back to the texts themselves, to the inner proofs, and to the integral speculation on them. The text considers on the messages provided by the linguistic traits, the regulation of serial arrangement of texts, and the mind experience revealed in the end of Nine Chapters. It has found the actual arranging codes of all the “Chapters” in Nine Chapters so as to come to a new conclusion that Nine Chapters are not edited and arranged by the posteriors as said by the renown scholar Zhu Xi (朱熹). Though the accomplishment of such works spanned three decades of years, Qu Yuan kept an integral account for them and adjusted the structural form and literal passages of each “chapter”. Even the serial arrangement of overall texts of Nine Chapters was made by Qu Yuan himself. It is different from all other arrangements.