高职音乐专业学生与普通高校学生相比 ,在专业水平方面差别不大 ,但在人文素质和知识面上却存在着差别。当今社会正经历着一场深刻的变革 ,社会价值体系呈多元化态势。在社会生活中 ,价值观念起主导作用 ,从而全方位地影响着人们的理念及实践活动。因此 ,加强高职音乐专业学生的人文素质教育 。
Compared to other higher learning school students,the higher vocational college ones specialized in music do not have big differences in the speciality.It is the higher vocational college students specialized in music that have all sorts of differences in humane quality and range of knowledge.Nowadays the society is experiencing a deep change,the system of social value presents the pluralism situation.In social life,the values play a leading role,thus omni_directional situation influence people's theory and real activity.So,to strengthen the humane quality_oriented education of the higher vocational college students specialized in music is the important historical task that the era composes to us.
Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College