作者主要介绍了多媒体网络教学的意义和重要性 ,重点说明了搞好多媒体网络教学应注意的几个问题 :1、多媒体教学网络的选择与优化 ,2、内容和形式相统一 ,3、促教与促学的矛盾 ,4、效果与效率的关系 ,5、普及与提高 ,6、如何实现传统多媒体制作工具开发的多媒体课件的校园网上的传输 ,正确处理好这几个关系是搞好多媒体网络教学的关键。
The article mainly introduce the purpose and importance of multimedia system teaching and explain that some problems we must pay attention to.1、The choice and beautification of MMLS.2、To uniform the teaching content and pattern.3、The contradiction of teachingg and learning.4、The relation of effect and efficiency.5、The popularity and improvement.6、How to make the traditional multimedia course popular in school-net.To successfully deal with the six problems is the key of successful multimedia system teaching.
Journal of Anshun Teachers College