从上个世纪 30年代起 ,欧美不断有考古学家著文对长期停留于文化史研究的考古学及其类型方法提出强烈的批评 ,塔尔格伦教授的《史前考古学方法》就是其中较具代表性的一篇。我国的考古类型学也经历了类似的发展历程。虽然已有不少学者对类型方法进行过探讨 ,但其中仍存在一些不足之处 :分型分式的标准不严、实践滞后于理论和研究方法过于单一等。
Many Western archaeologists have given strong criticism of archaeology which has remained at the stage of cultural history for a long time and of archaeological typology since the thirties of the twentieth century.A.M.Tallgren s Prehistoric Archaeological Methods is one of the representative papers.Chinese archaeological typology has gone through a similar developmental experience.Although a number of scholars have discussed on typological methods,there have remained many deficiencies in them such as loose criteria of ceramic patterning,practices lagging behind theories and single research methods.We should establish an objective methodological and theoretical system to improve the further development of Chinese archaeology.
Huaxia Archaeology