目的 探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者免疫功能失调的机制。方法 用微量淋巴细胞毒法,检测23例SLE患者抗淋巴细胞抗体(ALA),并用光镜观察淋巴细胞形态及计数。结果 23例SLE患者活动期有20例(86.9%)ALA阳性,淋巴细胞肿胀变性,胞膜毛糙,失去折光性,淋巴细胞计数为1.5×10^9/L。经激素治疗病情缓解后仅9例(39.1%)ALA阳性,伴细胞变性、失去折光性、淋巴细胞计数上升为3.53×10^9/L。前后比较具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 SLE在活动期有86.9%存在ALA,并导致淋巴细胞变性.细胞数量减少,免疫功能失调。激素治疗可逆转上述病理变化。
Objective In order to investigate the mechanism of immunologic maladjustment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods Anti-lympthocyte antibody (ALA), lymphocytic shape and count were studied respectively in active and remissive SLE with microlymphocytotoxicity. Results Positive ALA, degenerative lymphocyte swelling and losing dioptre were found in 86. 9%(20/23) of patients with active SLE, the lymphocyte count was 1. 5×10~9 /L. After administration of cortisone, ALA positivity was dectected in 39. l%(9/23) of remissive SLE; lymphocyte count went up to 3. 53×10~9/L. There was significantly difference betwen two groups(P<0. 01). Conclusions Festive rate of ALA in active SLE was higher than that in remissive patients, which could resulted in lymphocyte degeneration, decreased count and immunological disturbance. These could be reversed with hormonotherapy.