整体方案的组合、评价、优选、决策是设计中急待解决的课题之一。本文提出了一种根据“功能-技术矩阵”和反映各功能的技术途径间组合相容关系的“可行性判定矩阵”直接组集可行方案并优选的综合算法和程序。 文中还给出了该解法在增氧船整体方案设计中的应用。
In this paper a synthetic algorithm of the preliminary plan system design is presented,It bases on the technique of the relational database. At first the matrixes are used to estalish direct and indirect connections of the technical ways that belong to the various funtions. Then the above matrixes are indexed. At the beginning of searching goal tree, founded on the functions that have been combined, the scheduling index is screened, and then inverted inferences, screens, combination are operated on the relation matrixes in accordance with the sequence of the scheduling index. So this algorithm is advanced and practicable. The defect of the traditional searching way is avoided, which needs a lot of backtracking and redundant data when the goal set is searched in the forest of the search trees.As an example of application of the algorithm, the system design of a boat having the function to aerate the prawn pond water is presented in this paper
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery