目的 :探讨在耳内窥镜直视下 ,进行中耳微创手术对慢性化脓性中耳炎的疗效。方法 :在耳内窥镜直视下 ,扩大小的鼓膜穿孔 ,清除中耳肉芽 ,清除胆脂瘤并加以冲洗和负压吸引治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎单纯型 5 4例 ,骨疡型 6例 ,胆脂瘤型 7例。结果 :5 4例 ,单纯型中耳炎 ,治疗组 30例中获得干耳 2 8例 ,有效率为93 3% ;对照组 2 4例中获得干耳 9例有效率为 37 5 % ;治疗组 30例中 ,纯音听力检查较治疗前平均提高 10db者2 4例 ,有效率为 80 % ;对照组 2 4例中音听力检查较治疗前平均提高 10db者 4例 ,有效率为 4 4 4 % ,骨疡型 6例中获得干耳 4例 ,胆脂瘤型 7例中获得干耳 6例。结论 :使用耳内窥镜作为一种辅助工具 。
Objective:To study the therapy effect of suppurative otitis media by minimal invasive surgery(MIS)under direct vision of otoendoscope.Methods:Sixty-seven patients suffered from otitis media and 54 patients of the pure type.A perspective study was performed in the two groups;a test group and a contrast group were designed respectively.Patients of the test group were treated with MIS,irrigation and suction under the supervision of otoendoscope and the contrast group with negative pressure suction under the condition of hermetic external auditory canal.Additionally,a descriptive study was performed in the group of chronic suppurative otitis media(necrotic type,cholesteatoma type).Thirteen patients in this group were treated with MIS,irrigation and suction under the supervision of otoendoscope.Results:The therapeutic effect of MIS,irrigation and suction under the supervision of otoendoscope to treat the otitis media was better than that of negative pressure suction under the condition of the hermetic external auditory canal.The 30 patients of the test group were cured 28 patients,the 24 patients of the contrast group were cure in 9 patients.6 patients of the necrotic type were cured in 4 patients,7 patients of cholesteatoma type were cured in 6 patients.Conclusion:The otitis media by MIS,irrigation and suction with the aid of otoendoscope was reliable and effective.
West China Medical Journal