尤金·奥尼尔深受弗洛依德理论的影响 ,努力再现人物的内心欲望。同时 ,他的家庭经历和西方文学实践中的“厌女现象” ,作为一种西方文化中的集体无意识 ,也浸润于他的文学创作中。他以较多的笔墨刻画女性的“本我”和“自我” ;以较多的笔墨刻画男性的“自我”和“超我”。因此 ,奥剧中的女性人物普遍缺少男性人物那样的道德境界。
Influenced by Singund Freud's theory, Eugene O'Neill tried to dig interior desires that control a person's outward behavior.But owing to his family disaster and the prejudice against women in western literature,his female characters are more controlled by their “ID'and the male by their “SUPEREGO” .Thus women and men are not portrayed on the same level in his plays.
Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University