唯物史观是马克思主义哲学的核心所在 ,列宁把它称之为“科学思想中的最大成果” ,由此 ,过去在历史观和政治观方面占支配地位的那种混乱性和随意性 ,被极其完整严密的科学理论所代替。无疑 ,随着时代的前进 ,唯物史观也要丰富和发展。发展首先要在坚持它的基本精神、基本原则的前提下进行 ,不能重新回到被马克思所消除了的以往历史理论的主要缺点上去。倒退不是“创新”。唯物史观又只能在将其基本原则运用到社会历史实践中去、运用它们来分析和解决人类所面对的一系列重大现实问题的过程中才能丰富和发展 ,而不能对它采取教条主义的态度。当前 ,世界正在发生急剧的变化。正确地理解、阐释和发展唯物史观 ,以唯物史观为指导 ,科学地分析现时代的本质和特征 ,揭示当今社会深刻的矛盾冲突及其根源 ,把握其发展规律和变化趋势 ,认清我们的历史地位和责任 ,已成为哲学研究的一个重大课题。这里发表王锐生同志的文章 。
Philosophy should be developed through self-criticized Process. There is no reason to renounce Materialist conception of history. “materialistic-dialectic', “on the basis of practice' and “systematic' are the characteristics of materialist conception of history. Therefore Mr. Jiang has no reason to replace historical materialism with so called “new Marxist conception of history'. We will strive to avoid the faults in the scientific researches on historical materialism. But what are regarded as the faults of historical materialism does not really belong to it. In the past 20 years, it has been overcome through philosophical discussion. Mr.Jiang renounced historical materialism, not only because he did not acquaint with the philosophical discussion, but also because he completely renounced the fundamentals of historical materialism. Therefore, his negation is not right. $$$$
Philosophical Research